This is a picture I took maybe three days before I broke my jaw. I was still weighing 185 lbs. and could actually open my mouth.

Here is a picture of me two days after I broke my jaw, but before my surgery (Week 1). My face is badly swollen, making me look like I put on 40 lbs. and my jaw looks distorted.
Here is a picture of me from July 11 (Week 2). The swelling was gone and I was down to 175 lbs. but still looked somewhat normal. I hadn't discovered that I could use an electric shaver at this point, so I had a goatee.
Here is a picture of me from July 19 (Week 3). I am down to 170 lbs. and looking somewhat emaciated. I have been able to shave though I hadn't gotten my moustache yet, because I don't own an electric shaver and just use one of my employees.
This is a picture of me from July 26 (Week 4). I am still at 170 lbs., but I am trying to make a positive of this whole ordeal by lifting as much as I can (which ain't much when you eat only liquids) so that may be part of the reason my weight is holding. Some minor swelling in my jaw from the wires irritating my gums also makes my face look less drawn, so overall I'm looking somewhat normal, though skinnier than usual. Though, in this particular picture, I feel like I look about 10 years younger.
dude.. that's scary different. eat some food.
by the way. i rebroke my go along with my recovering shoulder. between the two of us we might have one healthy body.
week 2 pic you for some reason remind me of will ferrell either a) in Old School scene when he got shot with the traquilizer dart or b) as whatever character he was in Wedding Crashers.
I love you man...but you're crazy.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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